Computer Code
Bits together coupled in meaningful ways become bytes, which are then used in the binary, the most native "machine language" to tell computers to get things done.
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Bits together coupled in meaningful ways become bytes, which are then used in the binary, the most native "machine language" to tell computers to get things done.
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A code is something that tells the bits how to assign meaning to themselves. I would definitely suggest checking out Harvard's CS50 course to better understand these concepts.
Here is a code for a program in Python, which iterates the integers from 1 to 50. For multiples of three print "Bip" instead of the number and for multiples of five print "Bop". For numbers that are multiples of both three and five print "Bipbop".
The bit does not contain any meaning in and of itself; there is no room in a bit for anything other than the presence or absence of electricity. Meaning is assigned to a bit by something external to the bit.
So think of it as 0 for "no electricity" and 1 for "yes electricity" and hence now you have all you need to form a common language with the computer's hardware and software.
Bits together coupled in meaningful ways become bytes, which are then used in the binary, the most native "machine language" to tell computers to get things done.
You can even write a program that turns humans into cyborg space zombies thanks to the advancements in neurotechnologies.